Our method.
Our unique studio approach to branding, design and collaboration is based in MG Taylor™ Methodology, which has evolved over the last 40 years. This method allows for understanding the complexities of each organisation, collaborative decision making and creating conditions for the best solutions to emerge.
Matt and Gail, founders of
MG Taylor™ Methodology
MG Taylor™ is focused on creativity, the environment that stimulates it and why individuals within organisations are not using—to greater individual and social advantage—the many alternatives that are available to them.
Set and setting
Customised workshops, designed with and for our clients, follow a series of learning, design and implementation. We work in a series of intensive workshops, feedback loops and iterations in environments (both physical and virtual) designed for optimised focus, creativity and emergence.
“If you can’t have fun with the problem you’ll never solve it!”
Albert Einstein
Copyright 1982 MG Taylor corporation
Co-create the story of a clear and worthy goal
The 7 Stages of The Creative Process
We embrace complexity. It is important to understand the complexity of the system, the fast changing external environment and the needs of team members to be able to respond to variety.
Creativity is the process of eliminating options. We apply an open and emergent feedback process where we explore possible options with the organisation and contributors.
Decide by design, not by default
We make decisions by design by understanding the system, it's complexities and allowing for feedback. Our thorough process allows for a clear solution to emerge.
We believe in creating a clear path forward for the organisation to implement the solutions that emerge and for each team member to understand their role in the implementation.
We believe in understanding the story of an organisation, it's purpose, it's goals and it's vision. This includes the story of how it came to be, the current challenges and what it aspires to become.
How we work
Engage with the full complexity of the issue
Plan for success
Explore the full range of options
Have fun!
If you can’t have fun with the problem you’ll never solve it! Problem solving should be fun! That’s why no matter how mission critical the problem is we create environments that inspire joy and creativity.
Copyright 1982 MG Taylor corporation